Welcome to Livin' in a Mitten

April 14, 2019

Hello and welcome to my blog. For me blogging has always been a form of therapy. Its always so exciting to get your opinions, projects and experiences out there. To share your life and to be able to help others, that's what I look forward to the most.

My name is Cassie. I'm a mother to a beautiful 4 year old daughter who is nothing short of a princess. A unicorn princess, of course. I'm married to a wonderful man and together we live in the lovely state of Michigan. Now I could tell you that livin' in a mitten was all beautiful skies and trees, lakes for days, picturesque changes of seasons that are both romantic and whimsical, but I would be oh so wrong. As I'm typing this right now it is a lousy 30 degrees and snowing, when last week it was a warm and sunny 70 degrees, but that's just typical mitten life. That being said there is so much that Michigan has to offer. We love it here, and here we are home.

I hope you plan to stick around. My blog is new but I have a lot in store for it. I am a lover of thrifting, a hardcore DIYer, and a self proclaimed mediocre interior designer with a desire to get that Instagram perfect home with a tiny budget. You wont see me dropping hundreds of dollars on a piece of furniture, not when you can restore a vintage find.

Keep updated as I post about home redecorating and DIY projects, mom life, and traveling ventures, as well as everything this sprinkled in between. Consider this the melting pot of my life. I hope you can find something that interests you!

With love and dreams of warm sunshine days here in Michigan,


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